Providing a step up in healthcare for the uninsured.
The clinic asks that if you do not speak and/or understand English, that you bring a translator with you. Choose your language below:

The purpose of the Third City Community Clinic is to provide basic medical, dental and pharmaceutical care to low income individuals ineligible for medical insurance or government paid medical assistance. The clinic will provide opportunities for education, behavioral service screening, information and referrals which will result in improved health for community members most at risk.

Who We Serve
Third City Community Clinic will serve low-income individuals in situations causing an inability to pay for necessary medical care and medications. These situations may include:
* Homelessness * Retirement
* Ineligibility for government medical assistance * Single Parenting
* Job transitions * Those in need of community referrals
* Lack or loss of medical coverage * Unemployment
Poverty level criteria are among the guidelines used in accepting clients at Third City Community Clinic. Third City Clinic will NOT provide care to any individuals who are eligible for health insurance, Veteran's benefits, Medicaid or Medicare. Workman's compensation or disability examinations will NOT be provided by the clinic.
A $5.00 donation will be requested; however, no individual will be turned away due to an inability to make a donation.
Services We Provide
Services Not Provided
Health Education
Immediate medical care for chronic conditions such as Diabetes and Hypertension
Immediate care for acute minor medical illnesses​
Pharmaceutical Assistance
School Physicals
Short term care for non-emergent conditions
Well child check ups
Limited dental care
Dental screening & cleanings for children
Care of work related injuries/conditions
Disability examinations
Emergency care
Complete mental health care
Services provided by other agencies will NOT be duplicated
OB/GYN care
STD testing